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sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2016

Apache CXF - Hide service list

Apache CXF generates an HTML page in which you can see all SOAP and REST services published. This is very useful when developing, but may not be suitable por a Production enviorement because this page shows to much info about your system.

For example, if you have this servelt config in web.xml file:


The CXF info page will be: http://domain/context/services.

In order to disable this page I found two solutions:
  1. Disable the page at all
  2. Securize the page

Disable the info page 

In the servlet configuration you have to set the parameter "hide-service-list-page" to value "false".


Securize the info page

You can allow only certain users (based on their Application Roles) see this page.
In the web.xml file add the following lines:
 <display-name>CXF services list</display-name>
  <web-resource-name>CXF services list</web-resource-name>


In this way, only users with roleAdminCXF will be able to see it.

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