The solution is to create a Factory Class responsible for instanciate the client.
Other common requirement is to read the service endpoing from a config file, so it could vary from enviroment.
Factory code:
import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean; import; import; import; import; public class UsuariosWebServiceFactoryBean implements FactoryBean<UsuarioWebService> { private final String namespaceUri; private final String serviceName; private final String wsdlLocation; private final String serviceEndPoint; public UsuariosWebServiceFactoryBean(final String namespaceUri, final String serviceName, final String wsdlLocation, final String serviceEndPoint) { this.namespaceUri = namespaceUri; this.serviceName = serviceName; this.wsdlLocation = wsdlLocation; this.serviceEndPoint = serviceEndPoint; } @Override public UsuarioWebService getObject() throws Exception { final QName serviceQName = new QName(namespaceUri, serviceName); final Resource serviceWSDLResource = new ClassPathResource(wsdlLocation); final UsuarioService service = new UsuarioService(serviceWSDLResource.getURL(), serviceQName); final UsuarioWebService port = service.getUsuarioWebServiceImplPort(); final BindingProvider bindingProvider = (BindingProvider)port; bindingProvider.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, serviceEndPoint); return port; } @Override public Class<?> getObjectType() { return UsuarioWebService.class; } @Override public boolean isSingleton() { return true; } }
To use this class, you only need to declare this factory as a normal bean, for example, in the application-context.xml:
<bean id="usuarioService" class="es.sisifo.test.usuarios.webservice.UsuariosWebServiceFactoryBean"> <constructor-arg name="namespaceUri" value="${webService.usuarios.namespaceUri}" /> <constructor-arg name="serviceName" value="${webService.usuarios.serviceName}" /> <constructor-arg name="wsdlLocation" value="${webService.usuarios.wsdlDocumentLocation}" /> <constructor-arg name="serviceEndPoint" value="${webService.usuario.serviceEndPoint}" /> </bean>
And this would be the properties file:
webService.usuarios.namespaceUri = webService.usuarios.serviceName = usuarioService webService.usuarios.wsdlLocation = /wsdl/UsuarioService.wsdl webService.usuarios.serviceEndPoint = http://localhost:8080/test-ws/servizos/UsuarioService
Note that the WSDL file is in the application classpath, i.e, in main/resources folder, inside wsdl directory.
You can check how to create all necesary classes for the client in this post:
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